Our new home! After a month of praying, fasting and negotiating, the Traditional Latin Mass has found and new and gracious home. And what better place in our rural community than this small parish in an historic town known for its architectual quaintness? They welcomed us with open arms and hearts. Deo gratias. Restoration has been underway for some time: the altar rail perhaps stowed away in a forgotten closet, the ambo hovering in the back corner of the nave with yellow caution tape. A diamond in the rough. Here is a glimpse of the past... Dedicated in 1896 In preparation for the first Traditional Latin Mass held in the church in half a century, I placed four arrangements of gold and white on the altar shelf. They seemed completely insignificant compared with the vibrant colors surrounding the reredos. In this church, bold colors and lines will be appropriate to draw focus toward the tabernacle. I...
Altar flowers for the Traditional Latin Mass, vestment restoration and more.