Pulling thread on a lavabo towel With the Traditional Latin Mass pared-down to twice a month due to our resident priest's departure, I have been doing less altar flowers. However, this has afforded me more time to learn something new! This is the first of a series of posts I will write on the subject of church linens. Anyone who knows me knows that when I start a project the enthusiasm takes over. Speaking of enthusiasm, Ronald Knox wrote "Enthusiasms: A Chapter in the History of Religions" detailing various religions from the 17th and 18th centuries and their eccentric personalities. Although I have never read the book, my octogenarian father- a bibliophile and a wonderful storyteller- has related to me much of its contents with his usual dry humor. A memorable "enthusiast" was Aimee Semple McPherson, the foundress of the Foursquare Church. In my Protestant Foursquare days, I never heard the tale of Sister Aimee. Afte...